Three Bold Ventures: The History of North Oaks, Minnesota

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781592981649

Three men, one after the other, starting in 1876 used the land that is now the city of North Oaks (MN) for different and unrelated ventures that benefit people today. Thousands of St. Paul residents have drinking water because of Charles Gilfillan"s foresight! James J. Hill used his North Oaks Farm to support the construction of a railroad that is still the primary transportation link from St. Paul, Minnesota to the West coast. Louis W. Hill, Jr. led the North Oaks Company in the development of a residential community that emphasized the preservation of the natural environment and created an unusual governing structure. Learn how Charles Gilfillan, James J. Hill and Louis W. Hill, Jr. planned and completed their ventures. Discover how North Oaks unique multi-faceted governing structure works and the controversies and challenges faced during the development. Enjoy little known stories and interviews with early residents and community builders. Find out why environmentally oriented is a more fitting description of North Oaks than exclusive and affluent. Over 250 photos and maps show the buildings and locations referred to in the text.