The Cuban Five: Who they are. Why they were framed. Why they should be free. From the pages of The Militant

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781604880380

A selection of articles from the Militant newspaper on the fight to free Gerardo Hernández, Ramón Labañino, Antonio Guerrero, Fernando González, and René González. The Cuban Five, as they have become known around the world, were convicted by the U.S. government on fabricated “conspiracy” charges and handed draconian sentences. They have remained in prison since their arrest in FBI raids in 1998. Their “crime”? Monitoring the plans for action by violent counterrevolutionary Cuban-American groups that have a 50-year record of deadly attacks on Cuba and supporters of the Cuban Revolution—groups that operate from U.S. territory with Washington’s complicity. Introduction by Mary-Alice Waters and Martín Koppel; photographs