The Holy Roman empire

Price 18.77 - 20.76 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781230211886

This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1907 edition. Excerpt: ... note D lines contrasting the past and present of rome Dum simulacra mihi, dum numina vana placebant, Militia, populo, moenibus alta fui: At simul effigies arasque superstitiosas Deiiciens, uni sum famulata Deo, Cesserunt arces, cecidere palatia divum, Servivit populus, degeneravit eques. Vix scio quae fuerim, vix Romae Roma recordor; Vix sinit occasus vel meminisse mei. Gratior haec iactura mihi successibus illis; Maior sum pauper divite, stante iacens: Plus aquilis vexilla crucis, plus Caesare Petrus, Plus cinctis ducibus vulgus inerme dedit. Stans domui terras, infernum diruta pulso, Corpora stans, animas fracta iacensque rego. Tunc miserae plebi, modo principibus tenebrarum Impero: tunc urbes, nunc mea regna polus. Written by Hildebert, bishop of Le Mans, and afterwards archbishop of Tours (born A.d. 1057). Extracted from his works as printed by Migne, Patrologiae Cursus Completes. See note d, p. 286. I note E list of books on the history of the empire which may be consulted by the student The historical literature bearing on the history of the Empire from Charles the Great to Charles V is very large, and only a few books can be selected as specially useful to the student. The original authorities of most importance for German history will be found in the collection of Pertz (Alonumenta Gcnna