The Bluffer"s Guide to Women (Bluffer"s Guides)

Price 8.35 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781903096949

Brand Oval Books

JugglingOne of the key points about understanding women is the realization that it isn"t just that women can juggle several tasks at once—they are actually congenitally incapable of thinking of fewer than three things at a time. Brain sizeWomen"s brains are on average smaller than men"s by about 5 ounces —the weight of a small hamburger, without the bun. IntelligenceIt is a sad truth that while men can stomach sparkles of intelligence from a woman, they find too much intellect indigestible. Intelligent women are a threat . . . It was a man who ruefully admitted: “Women are more intelligent than men. They have to be, to convince us so often that the opposite is true.” IntimacyWomen need to feel a degree of sexual intimacy before sex becomes desirable. For women, intimacy sometimes results in sex. For men, sex sometimes results in intimacy. BefuddledMany men profess to be completely baffled by the way women can leap from speculation to certainty without due process of deduction between the two. Women are largely indulgent of this male bafflement, partly because it"s no more than they expect, and partly because it gives them the upper hand.