Jellyfish (Scary Creatures)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781905638956

"Scary Creatures" is an entertaining series investigating the more grisly aspects of natural history. Are we right to be afraid of jellyfish? What do they eat? Why do they sting? How can they live with no eyes and no brain? This book explores the life of these amazing animals, which have the most complicated life cycle of any creature on the planet. It also describes related animals such as the Portuguese man-o"-war. "Scary Creatures: Jellyfish" is packed with facts written in an accessible question-and-answer format. Special x-ray pages enable readers to see how the internal structure of an animal corresponds to its external appearance. This book features startlingly realistic illustrations and impressive photographs. Informative captions, a complete glossary and an index make this title an ideal educational text.