An Event in Space: Joanne Akalaitis in Rehearsal (Career Development Series)
Price 14.49 USD
Other than a handful of essays in anthologies and an occasional mention in introductory college textbooks, little has been published on Akalatis. She is one of America"s foremost independent theatre directors, yet no book-length study exists on either the director herself or on the Mabou Mines. Akalaitis"s systematic approach to working with actors, however has yet to be explored or elaborated upon in print. This book may provide a valuable introduction to the work of this important artist, locating it within the historical context of the American avant-garde theater movement of the past three decades. Moreover, by balancing step-by-step descriptions of Akalaitis"s rehearsal exercises and directing techniques with critical analysis, the book speaks not only to theater practitioners but also many theater scholars and audience members curious about a director whose work has often been misunderstood.