Beyond Business Casual: What to Wear to Work If You Want to Get Ahead

Price 14.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781564144461

Brand Career Press

Beyond Business Casual reminds readers that right or wrong, how they dress has a lot to say about how far their careers will advance. Beyond Business Casual addresses: - The dress faux pas most commonly made in business today. - What employees should wear when their organizations don"t have a written dress code. - Whom to emulate on business casual day. - The real definition of business. - How to add clout to what you say by what you wear. Beyond Business Casual is laid out in a series of steps. You can go through the steps in sequence or you can skim through the table of contents to find the information and advice you need. The book is filled with real-life examples from the author"s workshop participants and others whom she has coached to look the professional part.