ASM Metals Handbook, Vol. 14: Forming and Forging (#06360G)
Provides an in-depth review of a number of processes recently introduced or that have come into acceptance such as radial, roatry (orbital), precision, powder, and isothermal/hot-die forging. Plus superplastic sheet forming and abrasive waterjet and laser cutting. Contents include: Forging Equipment and Dies; Forging Processes; Forging of Carbon Alloy, Stainless Steels and Heat-Resistant Alloys; Forging of Nonferrous Metals; Cold Heading and Cold Extrusion; Other Bulk Forming Processes; Evaluation of Workability; Computer-Aided Process Design for Bulk Forming; Blanking and Piercing of Steel Sheet, Strip, and Plate; Tooling and Lubrication for Forming Sheet, Strip, and Plate; Forming Processes for Sheet, Strip, and Plate Forming of Stainless Steel and Heat-Resistant Alloys; Forming of Nonferrous Sheet Materials; and much more.