Quest for Love and Self-Esteem: New Insights Form Psychology and Religion

Price 6.90 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780882900704

Everyone wants to be loved and appreciated! Everyone wants to feel true self-esteem, and to regard himself as a person of value. This useful book tells how to achieve those goals! The Quest For Love And Self-Esteem is written by an employment counselor whose work brings her in frequent contact with people who feel unloved and unappreciated. The author, Virginia Bourgeous, gives real help to such individuals in this thought-provoking book. She discusses why people feel unloved, presents key insight to inter-personal relationships, the benefits of self-esteem to a good marriage and its relationship to depression. The Quest For Love And Self-Esteem is a book that will help people help themselves. Its subject is universal. Its counsel is sound.