Is God to Blame?: The Problem of Evil Revisited

Price 20.34 - 21.56 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781847300294

We live in an age where war, natural disaster and terrorist atrocity are the fodder for our daily news programmes. The apparent relentlessness of such events can leave us feeling numb and helpless in the face of the suffering of our fellow humans. We may question how a perfectly good God, who can do everything and knows all our actions, could be responsible for a creation in which there is so much pain and so much human malice and cruelty. In this timely and highly accessible book, key questions around "the problem of evil" are examined, the question of whether God could do better is posed and the nature of human responsibility and the Christian understanding of suffering pondered to help us make sense of the dilemma: Is God to blame?