Piano Care and Restoration

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780830696406

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The player of a wind or bowed instrument pays far more attention to its welfare than the average home pianist pays to the condition of his or her piano. The piano is, of course, a more stable instrument, but it is rather surprising in this "do-it-yourself" age that more owners do not take a practical interest in their pianos - granted, that is, that they are practical people in other areas. In some ways, this has redeeming features, for the piano, by its value in some instances, by the tensions in its structure, by its complexity and the delicacy of many interacting adjustments, stands somewhat apart from most other domestic instruments. There may be more at stake to be lost by blind poking and turning of screws, and certainly the piano is an instrument in whose servicing experience and an intuitive sense count for much. But there is mor than prudent caution involved. The piano is surrounded - some may say protected - by an aura, a mystique.