Eckankar: The Key to Secret Worlds
"The cosmic worlds are beyond the sight of man, but they are as authentic as the ground upon which we stand on this Earth Plane." The rockets of the twentieth century have blasted man into the exciting frontiers of outer space. But what of his inner universe? Unfortunately, it remains a black hole of mystery and speculation. The lightning-fast pace of today leaves us with little time to ask: What on earth am I doing here? Our serach for love, wisdom, and freedom has so far been mostly in vain. Then, our eyes catch sight of the enchanting words, Soul Travel! Dare we hope? Soul Travel is the means the great saints have always used to find the secret kingdom of God while still in their physical bodies. Today, the worlds of God again beckon the restless and weary traveler. All he needs for this journey is a road map and a willing heart. ECKANKAR-The Key to Secret Worlds is the map, but the reader must bring his willingness and curiosity. The world is rapidly approaching the most important crossroads in its history. It is essential to take advantage of this ancient knowledge now. All aboard for the Astral, Causal, Mental, and Soul planes. The flight is now boarding. Welcome!