Underdogma (Playaway Adult Nonfiction)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781611201840

Underdogma is a new "idea book" that shows how our love/hate relationship with power - and those who have power - shape how we look at the world. For many people, those who have less power (underdogs) can do no wrong - even when we do wrong, and those who have more power can do no right - even when they do right. Michael Prell gave this belief system a name - Underdogma - and he reveals how Underdogma is affecting your life right now - and how it threatens America"s superpower status - in a book that has been endorsed by Newt Gingrich, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, the Tea Party Patriots, Ambassador John Bolton, Frank Gaffney, Andrew C. McCarthy, Michael Barone, Rabbi Shmuley, and others.