Software Development for Small Teams: A RUP-Centric Approach (The Addison-Wesley Object Technology Series)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 785342199505, 9780321199508

Manufacture Peachpit Press Inc.

Many in the extreme and agile communities have long held the RationalUnified Process as being an antithesis approach to program development -citing it as being too process oriented, too rigid and structured, and overlyconcerned with documentation. This book is Rational"s reaction to thatinaccurate perception. Using a project case study that is carried throughout thebook, the authors illustrate how agile techniques can be used effectively in aRUP environment. While not taking the extreme or agile communities to taskfor their expressed disdain for process, this book shows that process caneffectively accommodate design and development approaches which are notusually associated with the RUP. Software Engineering for Small Projectssuccessfully extends the appeal of the Rational Unified Process.