Sin miedo al miedo (Lidere) (Spanish Edition)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780829761672

Brand Vida Publ

Fear is a normal response to a real situation that is perceived as dangerous or threatening. Fear generates a reflex in our bodies that prompts us to react by fleeing or striking back in self-defense. A problem arises whenever the avoidance of the unpleasant sensations that normally accompany fear starts to control our actions and decisions. It is foundational that we learn to make use of the most powerful fear quenchers that Jesus demonstrated over and over again with his disciples, as when he commanded, "Do not fear." Fear is a phantom that often deters us from going beyond our limtiations. Fear paralyzes. Fear binds us. In addition, fear makes us a negative influence on everyone around us. The only antidote to fear is the Holy Spirit who dwells in us and who gives us discernment and reveals to us the difference between truth and falsehood. Fear is a lie of the enemy.