What Do Daddies in Heaven Do?

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781598796698

Ever find yourself at a loss to comfort, or even talk to, someone who is experiencing grief, especially a child? You"re not alone. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, over half a million families are somehow affected by a parent"s death each year! After the initial shock, questions surface-- universal ones, but often quite profound. Part of the grieving process is to consider the implications of life in light of this event and search for answers. How this need is met determines how successfully one navigates the present, as well as the future. Serving as a journal, a Bible study, or a reference guide, What Do Daddies in Heaven Do? addresses that need on many levels and may be used over and over when parents, family members and friends, counselors, lay ministers, as well as clergy, need to relate to each other on more than a superficial level of merely offering sympathy. It"s what to give for when everyone goes back home and the real work begins. It is a resource for all ages and anyone who finds himself or herself in a position of support for a bereaved person and wants to follow up with love and hope. What Do Daddies in Heaven Do? combines practical and profound questions about separation and death with promised grace in a sensitively presented, carefully researched volume that offers healing in a time of crisis and chaos. The interactive nature of the study material will help personalize the journey for each reader. From the artwork to the applications, nothing is wasted. The caring, patient tone respects readers of various levels of interest and understanding and will aid families who are trying to put the pieces back together amid the pain and confusion of loss. It"s like having a caring friend come alongside offering comfort and a place to go. It"s feeling like someone is there waiting to help. It"s a tool to promote conversation and bonding. It"s for the grieving child to not feel so alone.