Life and Adventures of Peter Wilkins (Classics of Science Fiction)
Price 13.73 USD
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1840 edition. Excerpt: ...than I represented it; for she CtlJ scarce discern any space between the sur6»Ce of the water and the arch-way of the roctv. I told her that might happen from the rise or fall of the sea itself. But I was glad to heav the ship was no farther from the gulph; for my head was never free from the thoughts of my ship and cargo. She then told me she liad left a small bundle for me without the wood, and went to look after her children. I brought up the bundle; and though it was not near so large as the other, 1 found several useful things in it, wrapped up in four or five yards of dark blue woollen cloth, which I knew no name for, but which was thin and light, and about a yard wide. I asked her where she met with this stuff: she answered, where there was more of it, under a thing like our bed, in a cloth like our sheet, which she cut open, and took it out of. Well, says I, and what will you do with this? Why, I will make me u coat, like yours, says she, for I don"t like to look different from my dear husband and children. No, Youwarkee, replied I, you must not do so! if you make such a jacket as mine, there will be no distinction between glumm and gawrey; the gowren praave, in my country would not on any account go dressed like a glumm; for they wear aft"e flowing garment, called a gown, th( sits tight about the waist, and hangs dvn from thence in folds, like your barr, almost to the ground, so that you cap nardly discern their feet, and no other fart of their body but their hands and f«e, and about as much of their necks p"d breasts as you see in your graund«s Youwrkee seemed highly delighted with this new-fancied dress, and worked day and night at it against the cold weather. Whilst she employed herself thus, I was busied in pioviding...