The Lost Age
Price 21.81 USD
The seed to what would become Next Life was planted when songwriter Hai Nguyen Dinh, as a six-year old blew the speakers on the family TV while playing "Exploding Fist"on his Commondore 64. A few years later Hai met future Next Life keyboard-player Trond Jensen on a pre-internet computercamp, where young people challenged the force of primitive processors in the same way previous generations went kiting or cliff-diving. You can still hear this young love of transistor culture and digital storytelling in Next Life"s sound, but today it is the evolutionary relationship between human and machines that is the main experiment. Exploring limits and maximization of effect has been the key to progress since the beginning of mankind. The tribes who hammered their rocks the hardest without breaking them were the most prosperous and the masters who drove their slaves the hardest without exhausting them built the largest wonders. In a time when human culture is characterised by total immediacy and omnipresent information, Next Life is liberatingly different: A distinct and clear vision in an oblivious culture. The most striking element of Next Life is the inspiration from computer-composers like Paul Norman (Forbidden Forest) and Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy), but the uniqueness of the band Life is in their combination of transistor-music and the music they grew up with: The militant straight-edge hardcore of Earth Crisis, the political death-metal of Napalm Death and Assück and the avant-garde hardcore of bands like Man is the Bastard and Infest. Next Life distill and pin these different elements into a musical experience that is dramatic and confrontational, but still has a neutral and universal appeal to it, not unlike the sadistic and grotesque computergames that makes families come togeher. This ambiguousness has made Next Life popular as a live band in squats and all-ages venues, but also at state-subsidized art institutions and festivals. Next Life has a pureness and immediate appeal across cultural and social codes that links directly to the natural human nervoussystem. Your arms and legs are dancing the reproduction dance from before we became social beings, your mind just hasn"t signed in yet.