Masterplots 2

Price 93.90 - 96.00 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780893564827

Brand Salem Pr Inc

***Volume 4 of 4 Only*** "Masterplots II, Nonfiction Series," the 5th set in the Masterplots II series, serves as a companion to the previous 18 volumes. The present 4-volume compendium covers literary nonfiction, such as autobiographies and memoirs of recognized literary figures, and recognizable works in other nonfiction subgenres, such as philosophy, literary theory, cultural criticism, psychology, linguistics, cultural anthropology, sociology, and science; the latter category comprises a broad selection of nonfiction works, that the culturally literate person will encounter. Biographies and histories are limited to works by authors who have intrinsic interest from a literary point of view. For example, "Marilyn" (1973) is included as much for the insight one gains from its author, Norman Mailer, as for its subject. Care has been taken to include works that have had a profound effect on modern culture, such as Marshall McLuhan"s "The Gutenberg Galaxy" (1962), Hannah Arendt"s "Eichmann in Jerusalem: A Report on the Banality of Evil" (1963), Simone de Beauvoir"s "Le Deuxiéme Sexe" ((1949) "The Second Sex" (1953)), Thomas S. Kuhn"s "The Structure of Scientific Revolutions" (1962), and Betty Friedan"s "The Feminine Mystique" (1963), as well as works by prominent thinkers such as Sigmund Freud, Carl Gustav Jung, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, R. Buckminster Fuller, and Ludwig Wittgenstein.