Cathedrals of Europe

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9789061534327

The history and art of cathedrals, the most remarkable creations of the Middle Ages in the West, reflect the civilization on which the Europe of today is based. Starting from this hypothesis, Anne Prache takes us on a fascinating tour of the most beautiful Romanesque and Gothic cathedrals, which still form the ancient heart of European cities, from Italy to Scandinavia and from Portugal to Poland. The great cathedrals of Rheims, Chartres and Strasburg are universally admired, and in the world heritage of art they are classed among the masterworks of medieval times. They are the culmination of a long development, which has its origins in late Classical times. The history of the cathedrals begins with the recognition of the Church in the Roman Empire, and continues with the spread of Christianity in medieval Europe. How were the cathedrals designed and built, why and by whom, and what was their function? The answers to these questions contribute to a better appreciation of the artistic complexity and symbolism of the cathedrals, as expressed in their architecture, their sculpture and paintings, mosaics and stained glass, furniture and church treasures. These works of art adorning the cathedrals offer an extraordinary wealth of information on the civilization of the Middle Ages. As religious monuments, cathedrals are the expression of the faith, the fears and the hopes of those who built them. They reflect the tastes, mentality and philosophy of their builders, but at the same time also their practical and technical knowledge as well as their political views, and they bear the stamp of economic and social changes. In this way the cathedrals, from the humblest Romanesque building to the most majestic high-Gothic constructions, bear witness throughout the Middle Ages to the creation of Western Europe, developed from the Roman Empire and the rise and spread of Christianity, constantly enriched by the research, discoveries and genius of new generations. In spite of demolition, renovation, damage and overzealous restoration, the cathedrals of Western Europe remain a precious heritage, inextricably linked to European civilization, and rooted in the landscape of the "modern Europe". Anne Prache is emeritus professor of art history of the University of Paris (Sorbonne). She has published several studies on the sculpture and architecture of the Middle Ages.