The Best in Tent Camping: Southern California, 2nd: A Guide for Campers Who Hate RVs, Concrete Slabs, and Loud Portable Stereos

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780897324007

If you subscribe to the opinion that televisions, Japanese lanterns, and electric guitars are not essential camping equipment, The Best in Tent Camping should be your constant companion. Newly revised and completely updated, The Best in Tent Camping: Southern California is a guidebook for tent campers who like quiet, scenic, and serene campsites. It"s the perfect resource if you blanch at the thought of pitching a tent on a concrete slab, trying to sleep through the blare of another camper"s boombox, or waking to find your tent surrounded by a convoy of RVs. The Best in Tent Camping: Southern California will guide you to the quietest, most beautiful, most secure, and best managed campgrounds in Southern California. Painstakingly selected from more than 1,000 campgrounds in the mountains, in the desert, and on the coast, each campsite is rated for beauty, noise, privacy, security, spaciousness and cleanliness. In addition, each campground profile provides essential details on facilities, reservations, fees, and restrictions, as well as an accurate, easy-to-read map, making the campground a snap to locate. (6 x 9, 192 pages, maps)