This set by Masami Akita (aka Merzbow) and Zbigniew Karkowski -- performing as Mazk -- was recorded at the Pezner Club in Lyon (France) on September 17, 1999. It consists of a single improvisation of 43 minutes. Both artists use digital tools only, although in Akita"s case the difference between analog and computer-based noise is generally hard to make. Things start out gently with Karkowski churning up textural harsh noise at low volume. One could almost be lured into thinking this will be a smooth ride until a couple of minutes later Akita boots up and unleashes a raging roar. It simply won"t stop. Karkowski is first knocked down for the count, but he recuperates and replies with his own tailor-made sheets of noise. The set turns into a battle in which the audience can"t even make out who punches what blow. About 20 minutes into the piece, the two shift gears and begin to work with each other, bringing the music to a climax of ten minutes of delightful soul-drenching noise art. What started as quite ordinary found a way to become a riveting listening experience. Nevertheless, they have done better, but fans will want this CD for the "coda" (there is no better term in this case) alone, an excellent ending for a kind of music that is so hard to bring to a convincing conclusion. ~ Fran ois Couture, All Music Guide