Econometric and Forecasting Models

Price 133.33 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780773444966

This is a most thorough collection of globally relevant research topics on economic forecasting and modeling. The diversity of articles offer any reader a fair idea how to properly choose and apply appropriate forecasting models to investigate economic related issues of their own interest. The book on "Econometric and Forecasting Models" gives a pretty good idea to any reader about the leading models used in Economics with the main emphasis on Forecasting. It is a conglomeration of various subject topics written by leading personnel in the field. While some of the chapters are more mathematical, some touch on the general topics of inflation and unemployment which is of interest to the general public. There are also chapters dealing with economic aspects of tourism, as well as some dealing with the economic aspects of the effect of infectious diseases on society. One of the most important chapters of the book deals with predicting residential housing prices (which actually lead to recession). The effect of outsourcing of jobs on the American economy is discussed in the book. This monograph should be of interest both to the general public as well as to the avid researcher working in the general area of econometric and forecasting models.