When No Gets You Nowhere: Teaching Your Toddler and Child Self-Control

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 86874509542, 9780761509547

Raising children is truly an exciting adventure! Each day brings new discoveries that parents can enjoy right along with their children. However, child rearing can also present frustrating and stressful situations when children refuse to listen and obey. When ?No? Gets You Nowhere—Teaching Your Toddler and Child Self-Control offers parents three categories of reasons to say ?no? and other options to saying ?no? that will build trust between parents and children. This trust can begin to develop when parents learn to say ?no? in a different way. Acknowledging your child?s feelings, giving your child choices, and demonstrating consequences to your child?s actions are examples of such options. Author Mark L. Brenner says that besides having children live in a loving and balanced home, parents should, ?always acknowledge and allow [their] child the freedom to express his or her feelings without censorship.? In When ?No? Gets You Nowhere, Brenner provides both his Seven-Step Method for Saying ?No? and the rationale for why these methods work. Other chapters include: • Dangerous No?s • Don?t talk Down—Talk Up! • A Matter of Trust • Summary of ?Knows? Parenting does not have to be a frustrating experience. When ?No? Gets You Nowhere, is an essential guide for parents who are facing a problem situation with their child and for those parents who want to avoid problems before they begin. About the Author A licensed marriage/family/child therapist for 18 years, Mark L. Brenner has worked with children ages preschool through adolescence including those who are hyperactive and autistic. A father of a three-year-old son, he is currently developing a video series and a television show about parenting.