The Trinity: A Journal (Reflections (Navpress))

Price 9.15 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781576832509

Brand NavPress

Christians continue to pursue a devotional life that will result in a deep, intimate relationship with God. But true devotional spirituality revels in the glorious attributes of God and aspires to lay hold of God"s aspiration for His people. Those who practice it develop a passion for Christ"s indwelling life that inspires them to swim in the river of torrential love that flows from His throne of grace. But how does one prepare his soul for the "mystic sweet communion" of living entirely in God and in one another as the three Persons of God eternally live and rejoice in one another? The Trinity: A Journal guides readers through three months of "lectio divina," the ancient discipline of sacred contemplative reading using ninety texts from Numbers through Revelation that are particularly well-suited to this discipline. These texts take readers on a meditative journey through each of the three Persons of the divine Trinity, providing them with thirty passages on the Father, thirty passages on the Son, and thirty passages on the Holy Spirit. These texts- translated from the original language by Dr. Kenneth Boa-have been arranged in biblical sequence. Boa walks readers through a daily four-part sequence of reading, meditation, prayer, and contemplation, and invites readers to engage personally with the text and to record their thoughts and prayers in the process. This journaling component will enhance interaction with each of the readings, and yield a valuable record of a reader"s reflections and prayers during these months.