What I Found Out

Price 8.10 - 13.59 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780805983418

I have decided to use my First Amendment right to exercise my freedom of speech without personally ruining anyone"s identity in my novel. If you really think about it; it"s what some preachers and politicians speak out against. Corruption is another way of saying it - speaking out against wrongdoing. Even though it is getting better, more than likely there is still some corruption going on. Maybe in a way, this novel will decrease even more corruption. It would be even better to know that any members from any dedicated organization or administration who are appointed to select any instructor for whatever reason when they are hired to do a job, the instructor should be forced to show they are doing their job. So the reason I wrote this is because of the trouble I had in school with a few of my instructors. I try to only associate from time to time with people who are not lowdown. I have even been to schools with good instructors. For some of the past instructors I"m about to discuss in my novel, it is shocking to know what I found out.