Presentation Graphics for Engineering, Science and Business

Price 29.95 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780442314798

Effective communication of information is vital; engineers, scientists and others working with complex numerical information often need to present it so that both specialists and non-specialists can understand it, in lectures, in analysis and decision-making, and in written reports and documents. Visual presentation of data is often easier to understand than tables or columns of numbers, and so computer generated graphics are being used more and more. This new book is a comprehensive guide to the use of presentation graphics using a microcomputer. It contains a suite of 29 BASIC computer programs for the IBM PC, IBM PS/2 or IBM compatibles. Included are menu and data entry programs and screen display and plotter conversion programs for line graphs, area charts, bar and column charts, pie charts, contour maps, 3-D charts and surface models. By following the step-by-step instructions given in the book, the reader will be able to take full advantage of the graphics capabilities of the PC using BASICA, GW-BASIC or Quick BASIC, to produce effective colour or black and white displays on screen or plotter. A conversion table enables Apple Mac and BBC users to utilise the programs. "Presentation Graphics for Engineers and Scientists" includes numerous colour and black and white displays. A glossary of computing and graphics terms and a bibliography are also given. The book should be valuable for engineers, scientists, teachers and students involved in graphical and statistical presentations and visualizations.