From Clergy to Convert

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780884944928

Once they were variously known as minister, priests, nuns, and monks. Today they are all known as Mormons. Once they were confused and dissatisfied. Now they are confident and fulfilled. This book contains their stories: fourteen first-person accounts of the conversions of former leaders in their various churches, both men and women, who embraced the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. One former minister was carried into the waters of baptism from a wheelchair and minutes later walked to the pulpit to speak at his confirmation. Another, pleading for God"s help in his extremity of need, felt something lift him although there was no other physical presence in the room. A former nun had often challenged her students to have the faith of the ancients, to do the Lord"s will unquestioningly, and now that challenge was hers personally. The stories are as varied as the individuals. One person phoned the bishop"s home and said he was interested in joining the Church-and the phone was hung up on him. Another sought to "borrow" a few Mormon ideas to use in her church"s family-oriented programs and ended up accepting the whole thing. The fourteen high-impact stories show the agony of watching lifelong beliefs crumble; the longing for that unknown "something" else; the humble pleadings for heavenly guidance; the power of a divine witness of restored gospel truths; the peace and joy that accompany baptism; and the ever-present gratitude for having found the one true way. Courage comes in many forms. These converts showed it in the resolution to follow higher truth whatever the cost. Their moving stories will reach into the heart of every reader.