Home Health Aide On-the-Go In-Service Lessons: Vol. 3, Issue 2: Patients with Arthritis (Home Health Aide on-the-Go in-Service Lessons, Volume 3)

Price 31.50 - 34.71 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781601464941

This lesson on Patients with Arthritis includes a complete training packet. Each in-service packet takes approximately one hour to complete and fully meets the Medicare in-service training requirements. As aides need training, you can make as many copies as you want - there s no restriction when used with aides assigned from your office location. Remember that Home Health Aides must have 12 hours of in-service training every year. LESSON OBJECTIVES After completion of this program, the home health aide will be able to: Name two different types of arthritis List three factors that contribute to arthritis pain, and Describe three ways home health aides can help patients with arthritis. LESSON OVERVIEW According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), arthritis affects about one of every three adults, making it one of the most prevalent diseases in the United States. It is the nation s leading cause of disability. Homecare patients are very likely to have arthritis, and even when it may not the primary diagnosis for homecare, it is often the reason the patient requires a home health aide. Therefore it is very important for home health aides to understand this condition, and to know how to care for arthritic patients. The purpose of this in-service is to educate aides about arthritis and to provide information about the care of affected patients.