Tenjho Tenge VOL 01

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781401205607

Brand CMX

In one unusual Tokyo highschool, classical education takes a backseat to brawling, as warring school clubs wreak havoc in the hallways and cause chaos in the classrooms, all in a bid to be the baddest team around! Only a handful of students serve to stem the tide of violence in this untamed outpost (although they often contribute their fair share). These are the few, the proud, the powerful—the members of the Juken Club. Maya, the 17-year-old club leader, uses a form of ki to transform her naturally nubile body into a childlike form, to better maintain discipline and deceive her enemies. Takayanagi, serving as Maya’s unofficial second-in-command, is an earnest, shy young man whose innocence belies his fierceness in battle. Maya’s younger sister Aya, a newcomer to the club, isn’t as seasoned a fighter as her sister, but more than holds her own with a sword. Nagi and Bob are two trouble-making transfer students who nearly beat up the entire school body at one time! until they met up with Maya, who may bring them over to her side…if she doesn’t kill them first.