Miami Blues
Price 11.20 USD
Beware of the cop. He bites. Hoke Moseley never saw him coming: the person who crashed into his squalid little hidey-hole in the Eldorado Hotel. When his assailant was was done, Hoke"s pride and joy, his dentures, were gone. So were his gun and his badge. Recovering from the brutal beating, Hoke tried to figure out who had administered it. The one place he didn"t look was at a pair of ill-suited lovers: an ex-con from California and a simpleminded whore was was studying business management at Miami-Dade college. What the two had in common was a demented interest in haiku, a Hare Krishna who died of a broken finger at a Miami airport, and the acquaintance of a cop without any teeth: the very cop who, as soon as he remembers, will hunt them down. All the way down.