The Supple Body: The New Way to Fitness, Strength and Flexibility

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781904292081

A combination of fitness, firmness and strength in a step-by-step guide, which slips effortlessly into everyday life. Fed up with step-aerobics and feeling the burn? Do you wish for a world outside multi-purpose gyms? The Supple Body presents an exercise philosophy leading to fitness, firmness and strength without the sweat and the pain that we are often told are necessary for a healthy body. The book includes exercises that target specific areas of the body. Some of these areas, like the back, are familiar trouble spots for which the right exercise can prevent discomfort. Others, like the face, lend themselves to rejuvenation techniques, by gently working the muscles. All the exercises and the accompanying relaxation methods, lead to awareness and control of the entire body.