El misterio del ojo esmeralda (Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye) (Geronimo Stilton) (Spanish Edition)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781594374531

Brand Alfaguara

It all started when Tea, Geronimo’s sister, discovered a mysterious map which showed a secret treasure on a faraway island. Before Geronimo could let out a squeak of protest, Tea dragged him into her treasure hunt! In no time at all, they, along with Trápala and Benjamín, had set sail for the island. It was an adventure they would never forget. Description in Spanish: Entre las páginas de un antiguo manual de navegación, Tea descubre un pergamino que la conducirá al hallazgo de un misterioso tesoro. Convence a Geronimo para que le acompañe y, junto a Benjamín y Trápala, se embarcan en una descabellada y apasionante aventura que pondrá sus vidas en peligro.