When Kumbaya is Not Enough: A Practical Theology for Youth Ministry
"Writing with the lens of a theologian, the heart of a pastor, and welcome doctrinal breadth, Dean Borgman has provided a "field book" of pastoral theologies that take seriously the social systems shaping the lives of adolescents—never mind that Borgman knows more about youth culture than anybody alive. This book is a significant step toward the long-awaited conversation about theology and youth ministry in postmodern culture." —Kenda Creasy Dean, Assistant Professor of Youth, Church and Culture, Princeton Theological Seminary“Dean Borgman has been a wonderful mentor and teacher for hundreds of youth workers throughout the years. In this excellent work he brings theological integrity, depth, and years of wisdom like nothing else I have seen in our field.” —Jim Burns, President, National Institute of Youth MinistryChapters address such issues as family and peer pressure, music, sexuality, growth and development, and modern culture.