Apache Solr High Performance

Boost the performance of Solr instances and troubleshoot real-time problems Overview Achieve high scores by boosting query time and index time, implementing boost queries and functions using the Dismax query parser and formulae. Set up and use SolrCloud for distributed indexing and searching, and implement distributed search using Shards Use GeoSpatial search, handling homophones, and ignoring listed words from being indexed and searched Boost your search based on scores, the DisMax query parser, and function queries. Explore performance metrics along with implementing different Solr caching like Document, query result, filter, and whole result page caching. Index and search across shards and near real-time searching. Get to grips with additional performance optimization activities like fetching documents similar to the ones queried, searching homophones, or filtering searches on the basis of specific key words. Troubleshoot the common problems like corrupt and locked indexes, memory, expensive garbage collection, and infinite loop exception when using multiple server environment efficiently Set up, configure, and deploy various applications of ZooKeeper to optimize Solr"s performance Approach This book is an easy-to-follow guide, full of hands-on, real-world examples. Each topic is explained and demonstrated in a specific and user-friendly flow, from search optimization using Solr to Deployment of Zookeeper applications. Who this book is written for This book is ideal for Apache Solr developers who want to learn different techniques to optimize Solr"s performance with utmost efficiency, along with effectively troubleshooting the problems that usually occur while trying to boost performance. Familiarity with search servers and database querying is expected.