Advertising with Small Budgets for Big Results: How to buy print, broadcast, outdoor, online, direct response & offbeat media
Price 24.29 - 52.67 USD
Intended as a reference for the small business, nonprofit, educational institution and government agency with limited resources and expertise and for better funded marketing offices interested in “guerilla marketing” as a supplement to agency-created programs. It is designed to answer the questions “How” and “How much” and to help marketers determine what is cost-effective for their organizations. The manuscript was field-tested with small business owners and nonprofit managers who have little or no marketing training. Includes detailed outline for brainstorming and organizing media relations, personal sales, networking, and traditional and new media advertising campaigns. Extensive glossary of advertising, public relations and printing terms. Generously illustrated with examples of print advertising and direct mail rate cards, screen captures of eblast reports, social media and search engine ads and promotional pieces that can be created on office copier/printers. Explains cooperative advertising, public service announcements, nonprofit advertising discounts, and reach vs. frequency.