A Perilous Quest (Archer Adventures)

Book 2 of The Archer Adventure series for young readers. The white marble city of Balycon lies empty and abandoned on the sea floor, much to Archer"s dismay. He determines to find the reason for the powerful aura that keeps Balycon"s air breathers from living in their ancestral home. After he finds a crystal triad charm in a secret room in the dead city, Archer begins the adventure of his life. The charm takes him into the past where he meets a long-dead crystal master in the great land city before the earthquake and tidal wave carried it to its grave. After the crystal master tells him that a missing crystal ball is the reason for the aura, Archer must challenge his skills if he hopes to bring it home. His premature visit to Chion"s frozen kingdom reminds him he has much to learn about the immortals" world and he barely escapes with his life. That"s when the ancient crystal master suggests he travel into the chaos and destruction of the earthquake and tidal wave that tore up the land and sent the city to its watery grave.