A More Excellent Way

For years, far too many believers have argued, and even fought over whether the spiritual gifts were only for the first century, or whether they are still available to us today. However, in doing this they have been missing the main message of this passage: there is A MORE EXCELLENT WAY available to believers whether they lived in the first century, or in any other century from that time until the end of time! Having a right relationship with God, through the Lord Jesus Christ, you have the potential to live your life according to the good and perfect will of God. Lest I should be misunderstood from the beginning, let me say that I approve of the Scriptural usage of every spiritual gift that God has given to the church. However, I must hasten to say that I also believe that the Apostle Paul introduces us to A MORE EXCELLENT WAY in I Corinthians 12:31. We"ll be talking about that concept throughout our study.