Teaching Christianity at Key Stage 2

Teaching Christianity at Key Stage 2 offers a wealth of invaluable resources and information. Each chapter introduces children to key Christian beliefs and practices, as well as providing plenty of practical activities and ideas for use in the classroom or for collective worship. Each of the chapters takes us on a journey: • through the gospels - introducing the non-specialist teacher to some simple background theology; • through the history of the Christian Church - offering cross-curricular opportunities with History; • through the Church"s year and the practice of the Anglican Church today; • to the Church building - helping pupils to see not only the "bricks and mortar" but also the significance of these buildings for Christians. Plus Points + Enhances the teacher"s own knowledge and understanding of the Christian tradition. + Each of the five chapters give detailed background information to enable teachers to teach these topics without the need for extensive reference books. + Key ideas and words, major Bible references, and an extensive range of activities help motivate and challenge children of varying abilities at Key Stage 2. + Each section has a final reflective question which can enhance the pupil"s spiritual development.