Christian, Disciple, or Slave?

Price 13.48 - 18.40 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781938526657

Brand Laurus Books

Pages 100

Year of production 2014

Binding 152x220

Many people in the church live in a state of deceit that has taken them far away from the Christianity we read about in the Bible, the Christianity which saves and transforms. These "Christians" are the product of a "Christianity" that in some ways is very distant from what the Bible says. The average person who knows Christianity only through some church activities also needs to hear the real Gospel about salvation through faith in Jesus. They need the message in this book to show them that Christianity is much more than what they believed or thought about it. You can help by starting this debate about what a Christian really is. You can also make a difference by spreading the message in this book, by beginning to use the words "disciple" and "slave" instead of the word "Christian," which has been so diluted. Just by beginning to use these words, we can throw a completely new light over Christianity and its purpose and take a step toward a change within the churches and outside of them.