For the Undisputed Crown: An unauthorised history of boxing"s richest prize

This book challenges the concept of three champions all claiming the same title, and the mercenary attitudes boxing associations hold towards the integrity of the sport. It also throws some light on the history of the game, debunking many myths and showing a fairer perspective. It follows the history of the heavyweights from John L Sullivan to Vladimir Klitschko and attempts to follow the thread of the undisputed heavyweight title. It is a challenging book written for those who care about the sport and its history. The time when Marciano"s title defences were headline news is long gone and unlikely to return. Moreover, the dignity of the word champion is lost. A champion is simply that. Now we have three or more champions at the same weight. This is not to be credited or taken seriously. A champion can now be stripped of a hard won title by the stroke of a pen by some mercenary bureaucrat, who might find it hard to run for a bus. But like it or not, that is the reality of boxing. One can add to this by mentioning many current "historians", who twist the facts of the game and malign some of the great names of the sport in the name of some twisted concept of "political correctness". Racism in boxing, or anywhere else for that matter, belongs in the slop bucket. But frankly, so do much of the writings of these "historians". The hardest response they get is to make one wince at their diabolical ignorance. Anton Shapiro gives a fairer and more balanced view, as opposed to the bias and shallow fact-twisting that is setting in today. About The Author The author was born in London and served as a merchant seaman from the age of sixteen He joined the Canadian Army at eighteen and was considered a good prospect on the fight cards. Faulty eyesight stopped any ambitions he might have had in the fight game. He lived in Amsterdam and Paris before returning to England. He has written books for young adults and articles on boxing, the latest of which was published in the Boxing Yearbook 2010.