Introduction to Tien Shan Pai: Celestial Mountain Kung Fu

Introduction to Tien Shan Pai is a comprehensive introduction to this popular northern style of Chinese Kuoshu. Grandmaster Huang, Chien-Liang, 64th generation Grandmaster of Tien Shan Pai, provides details about the system s history, characteristics, philosophy, and technique. Through the use of detailed explanations, multiple-angle photographs, and authentic primary sources, Tien Shan Pai"s vast array of skills is presented, including * Basic stance training within the context of Tien Shan Pai, * Warm-up exercises and kicks to promote flexibility, increased circulation, and healthy joints, * Detailed instruction of Mei Hua Quan, one of Tien Shan Pai s signature forms, * An overview of Tien Shan Pai s fighting techniques as taught by 63rd generation Supreme Master Wang, Chueh-Jen, "Double Broadsword King" of China, * Power training for martial applications, and * Qin Na techniques and applications for self-defense. Written as a collective preliminary text, Introduction to Tien Shan Pai provides valuable insights for every reader, whether a beginner or an accomplished practitioner.