Golf For Every Body: Discover Your Natural Swing

Originally this instruction book was my golf diary, it slowly evolved as I kept notes during my long journey back to playing golf after a hip injury. I never intended to publish it. I’m not a professional golfer; my golfing friends and others I have taught encouraged me to publish this book, but it took a stranger playing in our foursome to convince me. After we had played a few holes I complimented him on his swing; he told me that he was a beginner. To my surprise he held up a few pages of my golf notes that I had given to our mutual friend. After I informed him that they were from my golf diary, he asked if he could have a copy and suggested I should consider writing a golf instruction book. This is it. I hope it helps you as much as it helped him and others. Most beginner golfers know what a good swing looks like; they’ve seen the best golfers on television. However, when they attempt to learn the game, they soon discover they can’t organize all the moving parts to send the ball in the right direction. Knowing how to communicate to your body, and understanding your natural golf swing builds confidence and gets good results. After you’ve learned how to communicate the golf swing to your body it compensates for your swing hitches; the correct swing positions will happen naturally on their own.