Russkaia Filosofiia Istorii: Kurs Lektsii[Russian philosophy of History: Course of lectures]

By the Russian philosophy of history the authors mean not only specific Russian philosophical works on the subject but also thought about a specific Russian historical destiny or Russian way. This is a course of lectures which starts with the origins of Russian self-consciousness: the baptism of Rus, integration of Russian lands, claiming Moscow as the Third Rome, and Peter the Great"s educational reforms. The second chapter deals with various historiosophical movements concerned with defining the Russian way of development: Slavophiles, Westernizers, utopian socialism, liberalism, sociological thought (S. Bulgakov, P. Sorokin). The last chapter describes the religious philosophical paradigm (from Vl. Solov"ev to N. Berdiav). Supplements include a short who is who and thesaurus.