The Investment of Influence (Dodo Press)

Famous Congregationalist liberal Newell Dwight Hillis (1858-1929) of Brooklyn was the American author of widely repeated World War I German atrocity stories. Based on his reports of German inhumanity, he called for sterilisation of the German race. His works include: The Investment of Influence (1898), Right Living as a Fine Art (1898), David: The Poet and King (1901), The Battle of Principles (1912), The Blot on the Kaiser"s "Scutcheon (1918), A Man"s Value to Society, The Contagion of Character, The Fortune of the Republic, Great Books as Life-Teachers, Faith and Character, Foretokens of Immortality, How the Inner Light Failed, Right Living as a Fine Art, The Master of the Science of Right Living, Across the Continent of the Years and The School in the Home.