Art in Needlework: A Book about Embroidery (Illustrated Edition) (Dodo Press)

Lewis Foreman Day (1845-1910) was a designer. He was educated in France and Germany. In late 1880 Day started his own business. He was a prolific writer for a wide range of journals, including the Magazine of Art, the Art Journal, and the Journal of Decorative Art. His works include: The Planning of Ornament (1893), The Anatomy of Pattern (1896), The Application of Ornament (1896), Windows: A Book About Stained and Painted Glass (1897), Art in Needlework: A Book About Embroidery (with Mary Buckle) (1900), Pattern Design: A Book for Students Treating in a Practical Way of the Anatomy, Planning and Evolution of Repeated Ornament (1903) and Nature and Ornament (1908).