A Temporary Dead-Lock (Dodo Press)

Thomas Allibone Janvier (1849-1913) was an American story-writer and historian, born in Philadelphia of Provençal descent. He received a public school education, then worked in Philadelphia for newspapers from 1870-81. In 1878 he married Catharine Ann Drinker (1841- 1922), an artist who was the first woman teacher at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts and first teacher to Cecilia Beaux. Many of his published works would be dedicated "To C. A. J. " Janvier spent several years in Colorado, and in New and old Mexico, thereby gaining inspiration and material for much of his literary work. His works include The Aztec Treasure-House (1890), Stories of Old New Spain (1891), The Uncle of an Angel (1891), In the Sargasso Sea: A Novel (1898), The Passing of Thomas (1901), The Christmas Kalends of Provence and Other Provençal Festivals (1902), Henry Hudson: A Brief Statement of His Aims and His Achievements (1909), From the South of France (1912), and At the Casa Napoleon (1914).