The Triangle In The Dock

The Triangle, once a model of prosperity and peace, is heading for a civil war that would threaten the stability of the neighbouring lands. Angry against one another, the two territories of The Triangle were on one another"s neck, looking eyeball-to-eyeball with none willing to blink first. The world was obliged to act and called The Triangle to the dock to plead its case in the presence of a college of carefully selected judges. The verdict would be final and subject to no appeal. Speaking for a side would be crucial. Not only must individuals be vested with the inner facets of the issue, they equally needed to be sophisticated fellows with refined minds capable of handling the complexities of this highly incendiary matter. While the Bigger Territory chose Jean-Joël Le Sage, a seasoned and well established Paris-based barrister to lead its team of two, the Smaller Territory, settled for little-known Ousseni Dimka, an eighteen-year-old boy. A choice which startled many delegates who believed an issue of this intensity was too delicate an affair to be a forum in which to experiment. Finding himself in a sensitive issue with breathtaking consequences, Ousseni Dimka stood against the sophisticated, no-nonsense Le Sage in a herculean task. The world watched, waiting for the verdict while The Triangle"s two territories locked horns in a legal battle of unprecedented scale. "The Triangle in The Dock" follows this epic battle as the author skilfully weaves the complexities of one of the greatest court cases the world has ever witnessed into a thrilling novel laced with a cast of memorable characters who leap from the page. SYLVESTER TABE ARREY was born in Cameroon. He studied in a number of institutions including The University of Yaoundé I, Cameroon, and The University of Jaume I, Spain. With a wealth of experience in social science research, he is currently researching in the doctoral program of the UNESCO Chair of Philosophy for Peace, The University of Jaume I. He seeks to provide understanding on how to deal with some of the most stubborn and defiant conflicts which are a nightmare to the world. His current research focuses on the pursuit of reconciliation and peacebuilding in intractable conflict situations using multi-track diplomacy and a number of techniques he"s developing.