After Whorl: Donning Double Cloaks

Pursued by Rome. AD73 Northern Britannia After King Venutius" defeat, Brennus of Garrigill - known as Bran - maintains a spy network monitoring Roman activity in Brigantia. Relative peace reigns till AD 78 when Roman Governor Agricola marches his legions to the far north. Brennus is always one step ahead of the Roman Army as he seeks the Caledon Celt who will lead all tribes in battle against Rome. Ineda of Marske treks northwards with her master, Tribune Valerius, who is responsible for supplying Agricola"s northern campaigns. At Inchtuthil Roman Fort Ineda flees seeking fellow Brigantes congregating on the foothills of Beinn na Ciche. Will the battle against the Romans bring Ineda and Brennus together again?