Hey Thompson: Developing Self Esteem and Resilience in Secondary School Students - A Manual for Mentors
Price 40.69 USD
Life Skills- An Aber Education Series This title has been written for any individual who is undertaking a mentoring role with a secondary school student. This book provides strategies and organisational guidelines for mentoring. There is significant evidence of widespread concern about the current economic pressures that are permeating society, particularly in the current economic climate. Such pressures are felt by young people who often feel they cannot cope, that is why this book is so important. The book contains: * An explanation of The Thompson Self-Esteem Model * A discussion on the role of the mentor * The student performance profiler * Self esteem and learning performance * Self esteem and the ability to socialise and communicate self to others * The ideal image, developing a sense of direction * Strategies and Activities to assist Students to Develop resilience